#56121: openfortivpn @1.6.0_0
Reporter: millerdev | Owner:
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: openfortivpn |
Comment (by millerdev):
Please use the github portgroup. See documentation in the guide. Please
use tarball download, not archive download...
I had tried this earlier but it always failed to download the file from
github. The
documentation on github portgroup] seems incomplete for a project with
automatically generated releases (based on tags), so ended up reading
ports/blob/master/_resources/port1.0/group/github-1.0.tcl#L65 the source]
and guessing. The details that made it work were:
- `github.tarball_from tags`
- and setting `gh_tag_prefix` (the `v` at the end of `github.setup
adrienverge openfortivpn 1.6.0 v`).
Please provide an example if this is still not correct.
Please add size to checksums.
The [https://guide.macports.org/#development.creating-portfile
instructions in the guide] are incomplete on this, and `port -v checksum`
does not suggest output that meets your requirements. I had to guess on
how to get this right (by adding a fake `size 0` checksum) before `port -v
checksum` gave the correct details.
Please run autogen.sh the way we do in other ports...
I hope I did this correctly (added to `configure.cmd`). I guessed based on
ports/blob/master/editors/bluefish/Portfile#L54 this example]. If this is
still wrong, please point me to an example of how to do it correctly.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/56121#comment:2>
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